Friday, September 25

= R.I.P. UMSD 1204 Metabolic Biochemistry =

Rest In Peace

(1st June 2009 - 25th September 2009)

UMSD 1204 Metabolic Biochemistry

nothing much to say about it except .....

"You will NOT be missed !!!! Not in a million billion trillion years !!!"

Went to eat dim sum to celebrate its death...

I was so hungry that i just ate without really tasting and enjoying the food..

The food wa
snt nice anyway~

*click on the pic to enlarge it for more details*


Only ONE more to go !!!!!

Am already half-packed and
totally prepared to take off right now !!!!!

In less than 24 hours, i will be on the train, on my way home~~~~

Home sweet home
i am coming back~~~~~~~~


*homesick badly =(*

And just some really random photos ...

This is me then ...

(dont ask me why i look so pale coz the photo's colour was not good =(
Had it printed 2nd time and it was much better)

*Paid bloody RM7 just to change the "FSSK" 4 alphabets to the "FST" 3 alphabets on the card*

And this is me now...

*It should be FS instead of FSET as they split up the faculty into 3 different ones.*
*Faculty of Science sounds so lame =(*

LOL spot any difference???? XD

*Mummy i want to go home~~~*

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